Jan 19, 2014

French Toast with Ice Cream

By: The Moody Critic

With dimensions of 5 x 5 x 4 inches almost representing a perfect cube, no one would ever complain about its gargantuan serving size. Given its apparent thickness, one would wonder how were they able to come up with the idea and how were they able cook it evenly from the cortex up to the very interior.

Its golden brown exterior and its crunchiness added significant points to its presentation and consistency respectively.

Although this one-of-a-kind french toast has been labeled "Yummy!" or one of the "best sellers" of the cafe, the taste of the toast itself was of course not surprisingly similar to your everyday french toast.

Furthermore, even with the help of another person, it was a struggle consuming the entire dessert not only because of enormous size but also for its marked oiliness. This time, the vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce really came in handy for having neutralized the overwhelmingly oily factor in this dessert. One's liver should be prepared for the coming storm.
Presentation: 8.1
Taste: 7.0
Texture and consistency: 6.5
Complexity: 7.6 
Value for money: 9.0

Overall rating: 7.4/10
Resto: Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe Address: Ground Floor, North Wing, SM Mall of Asia, 1300 Pasay City Full food name: French Toast with Ice Cream Price: P105.00