Jul 19, 2013

Dolcelatte's Red Velvet Cheesecake

By: The Moody Critic

Combining modern defiant crimson with traditional white elegance was never a problem for this dessert.

The frosting without a doubt was the trump card of this dessert because not only was it designed to have those intricate rosettes or billows but it was made to harmonize with the rich cheesecake matrix and its semi-bland base.

The cheesecake matrix lacked compactness and the dead air spaces within it was quite easy to discriminate. These air spaces made the matrix osteoporotic causing the latter to easily break apart or fall off.

The red velvet base was moist and was cooked evenly. However, the idea of making ectopic red velvet layers within the cheesecake matrix tarnished the apparent elegance of this dessert. It looked like it has open surgical wounds that need attending to. It would have been better if they adhered to the standard layering of cheesecakes.

Peek a boo! I see you! The partly hidden caramel sauce underneath the red velvet base seemed to be very modest in proclaiming that this dessert is worth a try. It either needs a new plating design or a trip to oblivion.
Presentation: 8.7
Taste: 9.0
Texture and consistency: 8.3
Serving size: 9.0
Value for money: 9.1

Overall rating: 8.8/10
Resto: Dolcelatte
Address: 1616 Quezon Ave., South Triangle, Quezon City
Full food name: Red Velvet Cheesecake
Price: P150.00