Classic Beef Wellington

The Moody Critic'ss beef odyssey finally concluded when he tried Lulu Restaurant'ss Classic Beef Wellington. Read the review to learn more about it!

Cookie Dough Cheesecake

A certain Sesame Street Muppet would definitely devour this treat in an instant! Can Chelsea Kitchen's Cookie Dough Cheesecake dunk its way to the Moody Critic's heart or will it twist into oblivion just the way the cookie crumbles?

French Toast with Ice Cream

The Moody Critic needed the powers of prime numbers when he recently tried Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe's French Toast with Ice Cream. If 2³ = 8 , 3³ = 27 , what is 1331? Please answer this within a minute or you're toast!

Slice's Red Velvet Cheesecake

A great cake, like a great empire, easily crumbles at its edges. Will Slice's Red Velvet Cheesecake successfully penetrate the Moody Critic's gustatory cells? This daunting task is not a piece of cake.

Dark Cherry Truffle Cake

I think that I shall never see, a chocolate-coated cherry delicacy. A critic whose hungry mouth is prest, against the sweet cake's frosting with zest. A sting from a bee can make you sob in melancholy, can Coffee Bean's Dark Cherry Truffle Cake make you jump with glee?

Feb 12, 2013


By: The Moody Critic

Not the prettiest cake to behold especially when you remember the mysterious dripping goo from the Goosebumps show. As described by the menu, it is a super-moist chocolate cake with green mint sauce. And how couldn't it be super moist if it was practically bathed with this minty goo from a witch's cauldron? I think what they were trying to replicate here was a lava cake because of its traditional form. If it was a plain chocolate cake, it was way under-cooked and if it was a lava cake on the other hand, it was overcooked. To my dismay, the cafe staff didn't even know what it was.

The cake was extremely moist all over and the mint sauce was overwhelming in terms of amount and taste. After patiently waiting for 30-40 minutes, all I get was this wellspring of Flubber which I strongly suspect was a rushed dessert because of its uneven cooking inside and out manifested by its crusting surface and soft interior.

Speaking of Envy, it reminded me of Fullmetal Alchemist's Envy in his colossal monstrous form or at least what remained of him when the Philosopher's Stone was no more. Remember that FMA's Envy can transform into anything he liked to imitate. As I have mentioned earlier, this ambiguous cake lacks its own identity so I think that is why they called it Envy. I suggest that this dessert should undergo a complete overhaul.
Presentation: 5.2
Taste: 3.1
Texture and consistency: 4.6
Serving size: 6.4
Value for money: 6.0

Overall rating: 4.4/10
Resto: Wicked Kitchen
Address: Mother Ignacia St. Quezon City
Full food name: Envy
Price: P158.00