Dec 31, 2014


By: The Moody Critic

With the sight and smell of the cookery and all the embellishments, this restaurant really shouts Japanese! The restaurant's scheme and decorations will allow everyone to feel that they are like dining in Japan themselves.

I know its almost closing time when we finally decided to dine here but this concept doesn't give the staff any excuse to render a poor or sloppy service. This was evidently manifested by one of the fossil waitresses who served us with utmost apathy. Don't get me wrong. I do not mind old employees as long as they're doing a good job.

New York Cheesecake

While waiting for our food, I went to the dessert area and had a look at their dessert display case. I asked the lady assigned to that station if the cheesecakes were of refrigerated or baked type. To my horror, she seemed oblivious to what I was talking about so instead of activating my beast mode, I simply went back to my seat with a disgusted face.

Beef Curry Rice and Salmon Rolls

Zaifu at least met the standards when it comes to food. It was a plus to discover that they offer a wide variety of dishes in their menu. Moreover, they are quite affordable. Their dishes are acceptable taste-wise but they slightly lack the presentation component needed to increase the appetite.

While enjoying our meal, I noticed that there were cockroaches crawling to and fro on the wall beside me. I believe those were Blattella germanica which sounds like Nutella but completely opposite in countless ways. I literally dined with pests! I again projected a disgusted face of a different context. Remember that roach infestation is a sign of chronic uncleanliness of a place. At that moment, with the service and sanitation issues, I began to question the restaurant's overall caliber.
Ambiance: 8.5
Cleanliness: 4.0
Facilities: 8.0
Food: 7.8
Service: 4.0

Overall rating: 6.4/10
Cuisine: Japanese
Address: G/F Power Plant Mall, Rockwell Center, Makati City
• Mon-Thurs 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
• Fri 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
• Sat 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
• Sun 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Price range per dish: P150- P300